My new album ”Chapter V: The Atonement” will be available on every digital streaming- and download service on April 20th!
What can I say about it?… Well, I can at least tell you that it’s a bit brighter than my latest outing but not that much! There’s some really dark and melancholic stuff on it. And the songs are a bit longer than normal. The album length is 41 minutes but it’s only 9 songs on the album.
During the time I was working on this album I struggled with the after effects of a pretty bad breakup and then the Corona came which affected me a lot (like it did with everyone) and about a year later I went through a withdrawal phase from a medicine I took a bit to often which escalated a lot during the pandemic so I had to kick it and that was… stuff of nightmares. Damn. I still can’t understand how I didn’t lose my mind for real. I mean, I’m always a bit crazy but I’ve never been crazy-crazy so to speak which means that I must have a pretty strong mind. I also found out during a neuropsychiatric evaluation I did in Stockholm that I have both autism (mildest form) and also ADD (2nd degree) which I had (and still has) to process and accept. I’ve also dealt with a lot of guilt during the time making the record and that was really hard cause that was also basically new to me. A new form of pain. Therefore I felt that the title ”The Atonement” was fitting.
So, despite this album being a bit brighter than the last one, I’ve been through some pretty rough times and this album has been working (as always) as a sort of therapy for me. But many positive and really beautiful things have happened along the way too! I share with you the tracklist for the album below plus this teaser.
I must say that there’s some really cool stuff on this record. It’s dreamy, mystical, magestic, it has energy, joy, power, drama, sadness, melancholy, and armageddon-ish atmosphere at times. A lot of feelings. I can’t wait for you to hear it. I really put my heart in this one. Actually I practiced and played so much during the rough work that I both got blisters (!) on my fingers and a severe necklock haha.
1. Full of Life
2. Grand
3. Divided Spirit
4. Sognante
5. Through the Storm
6. Deceiving Light
7. The World That Never Was
8. Epiphany
9. Always / Never
So, April 20th. ”Chapter V: The Atonement”. Mark your calenders!
Over and out